Saturday, April 5, 2008

Metal Gear Online Beta!

The time is drawing near, and the Metal Gear Online beta is coming soon! Pick up your copy of the Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 from your local video game store in order to get the promotional code that enables you to download and play game.

In collaboration with ScoobySnack from the Metal Gear Solid 4 GameFAQs board, there is a listing of people who plan joining in on the beta test. This listing can be found here! When you hover over the GameFAQs user names, you will see their PSN ID so you can add them and play together. My site does work on the PS3 as well so you will see the extra information when you hover even on that browser.

If you want your name added, click on the link that says: MGS4 GameFAQs PSN ID Listing Topic and post!


TetsuyaHikari said...

I should be receiving my beta code via e-mail by next week, according to an EB Games representative. I used to play MGO a lot (until people started shooting out of walls, that is...-_-), so I'm really looking forward to MGO2 and hope they take the steps necessary to prevent cheating.

I'm looking forward to it :)

Cruiz said...

I live in South Africa and am awaiting the EU release, but I want to do beta as well :(